Oracle Cloud
Next-Generation Cloud Capable of Running Any Application at Lower Cost, Faster, and More Securely
IDC Approved Statement on OCI
In IDC's recently released 2020 Industry CloudPath Survey, 935 IaaS customers were surveyed on their satisfaction with top IaaS providers, including Oracle, AWS, Azure, IBM, and Google. Among all IaaS providers, Oracle IaaS (OCI) received the highest satisfaction scores and the greatest increase in scores. Additionally, 86% of respondents indicated that they expect their future spending on Oracle IaaS (OCI) to increase.
Source: IDC Executive Summary Report, June 2020
Oracle Cloud Global Infrastructure
Professional Services
The most successful customers collaborate with cloud experts from the very beginning. Peili Information provides guidance from professional cloud architects, explaining how to plan, design architectures, and migrate hosts, containers, on-premises, cloud, and hybrid environments.
Host and Application Migration
Lower Cost, Faster, More Secure, and Compliant with Global Regulations
Cloud Application Architecture Planning
Professional, Secure, Fault-Tolerant, Robust, Efficient
Enterprise Application Containerization and Migration Consulting (K8S)
Optimize Containers and Kubernetes Cloud-Native Technologies, Simplify container computing and achieve end-to-end container deployment through products and professional services.
Peili Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (DRaaS) Planning
DRaaS helps recover critical IT business applications and data, supports enterprise redundancy, and protects applications or data from service interruptions caused by natural or man-made disasters at a single location through full recovery in the cloud.