建立免費 OCI 帳戶
Create an Oracle Cloud Free Tier Account
Oracle Cloud Free Tier 包含哪些項目?
· 可以讓您免費註冊Oracle Cloud帳戶
· 提供許多免費服務和免費試用版
· 包含300元美金(30天內用畢)免費點數可以用在所有的 OCI 服務
· 合格服務清單說明 - Always Free 雲端服務
· 合格服務清單 - Oracle Cloud Free Trial 點數試用哪些服務?
Oracle Cloud Free Tier
2.點擊免費試用 OCI
1.進到頁面後選擇免費開始試用,如果已經有帳戶了,則選擇登入 Oracle Cloud
2.下方 (紅色框框處) 的內容有說明到提供的免費服務內容
1.接下來是填入 cloud Account Name (千萬要記得,登入時會需要使用)
2.選擇 Home-Region
1.接下來要求新增付款驗證新增信用卡 (這部分除非選擇升級此帳戶,否則不用擔心信用卡會增加費用)
2.完成後,在方塊地方打勾表示同意此處的條款 (旁邊有連結可參考)
3.確認所有資料都填寫完成後,按下start my free trial就完成了
OCI 和 AWS 雲端服務對照表
對於雲端服務來說,相信還是有許多使用者對於 OCI 的相關服務內容仍然相當的陌生,所以下方附上對照表供參考,協助曾使用過相關服務的使用者可以更快速的熟悉 OCI。
功能\品牌 | AWS | OCI |
Object Storage | S3 | Object storage |
Email Service | SES | Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Email Delivery |
Firewall Manager | Firewall Manager | Oracle Web Application Firewall (WAF) |
Key Management | AWS Key Management Service | Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Key Management |
IAM Access Analyzer | Access Analyzer | Identity and Access Management (IAM) |
API Gateway | Amazon API Gateway | API Gateway |
Tracking changes to resources | Amazon CloudWatch | Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Monitoring |
Identity Platform | Amazon Cognito User Pools | Oracle Identity Cloud Service |
NLP | Amazon Comprehend | OCI Language |
EBS Management | Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager | Oracle Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) |
NoSQL | Amazon DynamoDB | Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Service |
Virtual Machines | Amazon EC2 | Virtual Machine |
Block Storage | Amazon EBS | Block Storage |
Managed Kubernetes Registry | Amazon ECR | Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Container Registry |
Shared File System | Amazon Elastic File System (EFS) | File Storage |
Managed Kubernetes Service | Amazon EKS | OKE |
Cloud Big Data Platform | Amazon EMR | Oracle Big Data Services |
Business forecast | Amazon Forecast | Oracle® Analytics Oracle Analytics Desktop |
Threat Detection Service | Amazon GuardDuty | Cloud Guard |
Video Streaming | Amazon Interactive Video Service | Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Streaming |
Open-source NoSQL database | Amazon Keyspaces (for Apache Cassandra) | Apache Cassandra 叢集 |
AI Chatbot | Amazon Lex | Oracle Digital Assistant |
Event streaming platform | Amazon Managed Streaming for Kafka | Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Streaming |
Instant Personalized Recommendations | Amazon Personalize | Oracle® Analytics Oracle Analytics Desktop |
Fully managed ledger database | Amazon QLDB | Oracle Autonomous Database |
Managed Relational Database systems | Amazon RDS | Oracle Database |
DNS and Query Management | Amazon Route 53 | Traffic Management |
Publish/Subscribe | Amazon SNS | Notifications |
Virtual Network | Amazon VPC | Oracle Virtual Cloud Network |
Fully managed desktop virtualization service | Amazon WorkSpaces | Citrix |
Automatically expand resources | Application Auto Scaling | Autoscaling |
Application Migration Service | Application Migration | Migration |
產品規劃處 - David Chiu
Mail: davidchiu@mpinfo.com.tw
系統工程師 - Ryder Sung