Integrity Governance

To establish a corporate culture of integrity, promote healthy development, and create a sound business operating model, the company has formulated the "Procedures for Ethical Corporate Management and Guidelines for Conduct" and the "Code of Ethical Conduct." These guidelines specify that the company's directors, managers, employees, or those with substantial control are prohibited from directly or indirectly offering, promising, requesting, or accepting any improper benefits, or engaging in other acts that violate integrity, legality, or fiduciary duty in the course of business activities, in order to gain or retain benefits.

Implementation of Integrity Governance

Implementation of Integrity Governance in 2023:

  1. On December 5, 2023, the company conducted a 3-hour training course titled "Prevention and Response to Insider Trading," attended by directors, managers, and internal personnel. A total of 12 participants completed the training.

  2. The company has established a "Corporate Governance Practice Code," which stipulates that directors are prohibited from trading company shares during the blackout period, which is 30 days before the annual financial report announcement and 15 days before each quarterly financial report announcement. The company reminds directors of this restriction before each quarterly and annual financial report release.

  3. Promotion of Integrity Management Training in 2023: From October to November, the company provided an online integrity management training course for employees. The course included content from the Ministry of Justice's Agency Against Corruption video "Happiness: Moving Forward Together" and the Ministry of Economic Affairs' "Integrity Management Course," covering essential regulations and examples of the Code of Ethical Conduct (including the UN Convention Against Corruption and the Code of Ethical Conduct for listed companies). Topics included workplace integrity and legal responsibilities, case studies on violations of the Code of Ethical Conduct, insider trading prevention, and practical case sharing. A total of 87 employees participated, completing a total of 2 hours of integrity management training. The training participation rate reached 100% for the year (including new employees). The company will continue to promote integrity management education and training in the future.

  4. To implement the integrity management policy, the company has established Procedures for Ethical Corporate Management and Guidelines for Conduct and a Code of Ethical Conduct. As of mid-November 2023, a total of 87 employees, representing 100% of the workforce, have signed the "Statement of Compliance with Ethical Corporate Management." By signing, employees commit to adhering to the company's Code of Ethical Conduct, relevant regulations for listed companies, and other integrity-related laws. They pledge not to offer, accept, promise, or request any improper benefits, directly or indirectly, or engage in any actions that violate integrity, legality, or fiduciary duties to gain or maintain benefits during the execution of business activities. The company also promotes integrity management training for employees.

Contact us

M-Power Information Co., Ltd.


12F., No. 85, Sec. 4, Ren'ai Rd., Da'an Dist., Taipei City 10688, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
