"EZPI" Paired with "EZSO",Automatically retrieves note items and applies them to the financial report template, overcoming the challenges of extensive content comparison and data replacement. This combination accelerates processing speed, reduces manual workload, and delivers a flawless complete financial report.


Grant Me a Financial Report Generator!

I no longer want to cut and paste between Excel and Word, nor do I want to keep reformatting endlessly. How long does it take to finish one financial report? "EZPI - Arrange as You Like" grants you the power to generate the final financial report with just one click.


3 Steps to Generate a Financial Report!

1, 2, 3—it’s that simple! Once the financial report template is set up, just press the data import button, and the complete financial report is ready. It’s truly easy—try it with us now!

Paired with "EZSO - Collect as You Like," Perfectly Applied!

The Word template for financial reports can integrate any report from "EZSO - Collect as You Like" seamlessly. It automatically applies and aligns to the Word format. If the report exceeds the page size, it automatically scales down proportionally, ensuring different sections remain perfectly aligned and well-organized.


Convert to PDF with Search Support

After converting the financial report to a PDF file, the entire document still supports full-text search, making it easy to meet regulatory requirements from authorities!


M-Power Information - Financial Report


Contact us

M-Power Information Co., Ltd.


12F., No. 85, Sec. 4, Ren'ai Rd., Da'an Dist., Taipei City 10688, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
